Thursday, November 12, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

*artwork courtesy of my littlest man at age 4*

It's been raining for three days now in this part of NC
and I woke up with a terrible cold.
When I come back from running an errand,
I'm planning on laying low~
maybe tinker around in my studio a bit.
(But I'm afraid I feel too yucky to be creative).

What do you like to do on rainy days?


  1. We love to snuggle up to a warm fire and read. Here in Va. we are suppose to get 4-5 more inches, today and lots of winds.

    Blessings, andrea

  2. I love to hibernate! But most of the time, I have to run around.

  3. Yesterday, we did school. Today, we went on a field trip and then did school. But..usually on rainy days, we do school in our PJs!
